Thursday 5 Feb Martin Maudsley and Jan Peters will be at AbFab youth group, Burton
Saturday 7th Feb Martin Maudsley and Dawn Powell will be joining the fun of Project TNT to explore creatures of the deep and monster stories.
Saturday 14 Feb Following on from last weeks exploring of the zones where creatures live we will be making edible monsters and playing with goo.
Wednesday 18 Feb Martin Maudsley and Jan Peters will be doing some science and storytelling around the harbour with CAYP.
Saturday 21 Feb - no Project TNT
Thursday 19 March Jan Peters and Karen Dickens will be at AbFab youth group in Burton
Saturday 28 Feb - We'll be looking at tides in more detail and making waves
Saturday 7 March - Scientists on the Road will join us to explore macro nutrients in the rivers Stour and Avon and how they change with the tide in the harbour.
Saturday 14 March - we'll be getting ready for our fair in Saxon Square
Saturday 21 March - join us in Saxon Square along with others who help manage and keep our local environment safe and clean
Tuesday 24 March - 7-9 at Highcliffe Sailing Club with tide expert, storyteller and scientists sharing insights into our harbour environment, strange ice formations and our double high tide.
Thursday 30 April- 7pm - 9pm On stranger tides, the story of the tides, a performance by Martin Maudsley. Please note the new venue is the Thomas Tripp.
Saturday 21 March: Join us for a Science Fair in the Square - from 10am there will be activities and information sharing our findings with you about the local Tidal Environment.